Mastering Hair Coloring With Foil + Answers to Your Questions

In this video, we will see how to apply hair color with foils and will address some important questions in this regard.
First, separate your hair to sections. After that, we can start coloring our hair from the rear side.
These foils are washable, thick and usable multiple times.
These foils have some glue on the head which will let you easily stick them to your hair.
We introduce the best products for your hair to reach your favorite base color easily, even with damaged hairs.


Hello and welcome, my name is Anoushe Shafiee.

Today we want to talk about hair colors and how to work with them. I will try to answer your important questions about haircolor with foil. We will also help people who have black hair or red hair and want to change the color, or change the base color to light colors without any damages.

Well, for color with foils at first we should separate our hair to sections.

After classification, we can dye the hair from the back side. but now we are recording the video so it is better to start from the bangs or front of the hair. Meanwhile, we can address some of your probleMs. Most of the foils in the market causing haircolor leakage and easily torn. but these foils are washable, thick and you can use them for so many times.

This foil has glue on the head and an extra part that you can ply it. You can use the part which is rough for under the hair and the soft part can be used for over the hair.

The glues prevent from leakage, and the material remains in the foil until the last minutes without any damages.

In the end, you remove the foil and rinse the client's hair.

We apply some bleaching material on the rough part. It is better to avoid using blue bleaching powder.

This powder often causes leakage.

So use a powder that doesn't produce foam.

Rub amounts of the bleaching powder on the material.

This way, we put the hair in the foil.

The hair strand must not have any extra space from the root when you put the foil.

We can separate the hair as line shape or as semilunar.

Hold hair strand with one hand and with another one apply the color.

It is better to not use gloves, it may distribute some colors in other parts and cause leakage.

At first, we use the haircolor on the middle of the hair then we drive it to the root.

It is better to put the density at the middle of the hair and make it less when you get closer to the root.

If you are right-handed hold the hair strands in your left hand (and conversely), and apply the color to the end of the hair.

First, apply the material at the middle of the hair then rub to the bottom.

Well, the question here is: What about long hair?
At first, we ply the hair strand then apply the material. Then stick the soft foil on the other foil and roll up from the sides.

Then ply the bottom of the foil to prevent from the air flow and get a haircolor to close the base.

Most ladies ply the foils as you see, it may cause the color change to orange or red.

It is better to use foils similar to this shape.

Then after a few minutes, we can open the foil and check the materials.

Then close the foil again and let it the color reaches to the base and after that rinse the hair.

For the first time, I want to introduce you a material that changes your black or red hair to the light base, I mean very light blonde without any damages.

This liquid is able to repair the broken compounds of sulfur dioxide, that have been damaged by chemicals and thermal changes.

You can make the bleaching material and pour some liquid into your mixture
You can use a hairdryer for heating, drying your foil so your hair will reach the base color.

Also with this liquid, you can reach the base color for the damaged hair and improve the hair strength, So your client's hair reaches the white base.

Most of you ask why the haircolor vanish or change after getting washed for several times?
the main reason is you use shampoos that have a lot of salt.

For example, some shampoos contain lime syrup, so by applying those shampoos, your haircolor will lose durability.

Try to use shampoos which have neutral PH and have reduced amounts of salt.

The strongness of oxidant, the amount of it and the time that you wait for the result are important.

If we do not comply with these rules, we don't get a good result and the haircolor will get vanished easily.

There is another product that is used to improve the haircolor stability.

In our classes, we talk about every aspect of hair coloring and new techniques and tricks.

If you like to attend our classes or buy our products, give us a call.

In future tutorials, wait for the good news from Osotreh group.


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